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In order to participate in the 100Mi distance, one of the following four requirements must be certified, which will be evaluated by the Organizing Committee that will define the authorization for participation in this distance:

1. 12 ITRA points obtained in no more than 3 races during 2023 – 2025. At least one of these races must be of 110k or more non-stop.

2. Having finished any of the following races:

» Patagonia Run 110k 2023 or 2024 in official qualification time.
» Patagonia Run 100Mi 2023 or 2024.

3. Having finished any Ultratrail race belonging in the Spartan Trail Worlds Championship during 2023.

4. Having finished between 2023 and 2025 any other non-stop race to the above mentioned in 2), similar in length and altimetry. In this case, runners need to include race finishing timing (race results internet links) as proof in the pre-registration form when applying for admittance to the Organization Committee.

See Rules  ~ Apply →